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Glossary - DR Print

Design & Print Terms

CMYK 4 Colour Process Printing (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black)
300dpi Image Resolution Measurement – best setting for high quality print
Embedded Fonts Fonts that are embedded while creating PDF
Outlined Fonts Fonts that have been outlined in the design software
4 Colour Black 60%c, 50%m, 50%y, 100%k also called Super Black
Line Screen Resolution of a halftone (lines per Inch)
300 Line Screen CMYKhub standard printing screen
175 Line Screen Industry standard printing screen
CTP Computer to Plate – Plate processing technology
Trim Size Finished size of the print product
Bleed Extra image or text that is outside of the trim area
Trim Marks Corner marks to indicate trim
Finishing All processes that follow the sheets being printed
Imposition Layout of artwork on the printed sheet
Offset Printing method that transfers image on plate to the stock
Resolution Number of pixels in an image
RGB Colours made from emitting light (Red, Green, Blue) – not suitable for printing
RIP Raster Image Processor – A device that converts digital files

Paper Stock Terms

GSM Grams per Square Metre (Measure of the Weight of Paper)
Bond Laser Stock
Uncoated No coating, similar to laser stock, absorbs more ink
Coated Surface coated for a smoother even finish
Gloss Shiny looking stock
Matt Flat looking stock
Satin Neutral looking stock
Laminated Plastic coating bonded to the printed stock Celloglaze – Same as Laminating
Varnish Ink or liquid based coating added to stock during printing
FSC Part recycled / part forest plantation paper